評估 XML 文件中的 NodeList
給出以下 XML 文件:
<tag name="Java">
<topic name="Regular expressions">
<example>Matching groups</example>
<example>Escaping metacharacters</example>
<topic name="Arrays">
<example>Looping over arrays</example>
<example>Converting an array to a list</example>
<tag name="Android">
<topic name="Building Android projects">
<example>Building an Android application using Gradle</example>
<example>Building an Android application using Maven</example>
<topic name="Layout resources">
<example>Including layout resources</example>
<example>Supporting multiple device screens</example>
以下內容檢索 Java 標記的所有 example
節點(如果僅在 XML 中評估 XPath,請使用此方法。請參閱其他示例,瞭解在同一 XML 檔案中評估多個 XPath 呼叫的時間。):
XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xPath = xPathFactory.newXPath(); //Make new XPath
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource("path/to/xml.xml"); //Specify XML file path
NodeList javaExampleNodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/documentation/tags/tag[@name='Java']//example", inputSource, XPathConstants.NODESET); //Evaluate the XPath