
所有 Javadoc 注释都以块注释开头,后跟星号(/**),并在块注释(*/)结束时结束。可选地,每行可以以任意空格和单个星号开始; 生成文档文件时会忽略这些内容。

 * Brief summary of this class, ending with a period.
 * It is common to leave a blank line between the summary and further details.
 * The summary (everything before the first period) is used in the class or package 
 * overview section.
 * The following inline tags can be used (not an exhaustive list): 
 * {@link some.other.class.Documentation} for linking to other docs or symbols
 * {@link some.other.class.Documentation Some Display Name} the link's appearance can be 
 * customized by adding a display name after the doc or symbol locator
 * {@code code goes here} for formatting as code
 * {@literal <>[]()foo} for interpreting literal text without converting to HTML markup 
 * or other tags.
 * Optionally, the following tags may be used at the end of class documentation 
 * (not an exhaustive list):
 * @author John Doe
 * @version 1.0
 * @since 5/10/15
 * @see some.other.class.Documentation
 * @deprecated This class has been replaced by some.other.package.BetterFileReader
 * You can also have custom tags for displaying additional information.
 * Using the @custom.<NAME> tag and the -tag custom.<NAME>:htmltag:"context"
 * command line option, you can create a custom tag.
 * Example custom tag and generation:
 * @custom.updated 2.0    
 * Javadoc flag: -tag custom.updated:a:"Updated in version:"
 * The above flag will display the value of @custom.updated under "Updated in version:"
public class FileReader {

用于 Classes 的相同标签和格式也可用于 EnumsInterfaces