MS-DOS TASMMASM 函数读取一个 16 位无符号整数
从输入读取一个 16 位无符号整数
此函数使用中断服务 Int 21 / AH = 0Ah 来读取缓冲的字符串。
最多读取六位数(因为 65535 = 2 16 - 1 有六位数)。
除了执行从数字到数字的标准转换之外,此功能还检测无效输入和溢出(数字太大而不适合 16 位)。
该函数返回 AX
中读取的数字。标志 ZF
错误 | 斧头 | ZF | CF | |
None |
16 位整数 | 组 | 没有设置 | 没有设置 |
Invalid input |
部分转换的数字,直到遇到的最后一个有效数字 | 没有设置 | 组 | 没有设置 |
Overflow |
7FFFH | 没有设置 | 组 | 组 |
call read_uint16
jo _handle_overflow ;Number too big (Optional, the test below will do)
jnz _handle_invalid ;Number format is invalid
;Here AX is the number read
;If the number is correctly converted:
; ZF = 1, CF = 0, OF = 0
; AX = number
;If the user input an invalid digit:
; ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 0
; AX = Partially converted number
;If the user input a number too big
; ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 1
; AX = 07fffh
;ZF/CF can be used to discriminate valid vs invalid inputs
;OF can be used to discrimate the invalid inputs (overflow vs invalid digit)
push bp
mov bp, sp
;This code is an example in Stack Overflow Documentation project.
;x86/Converting Decimal strings to integers
;Create the buffer structure on the stack
sub sp, 06h ;Reserve 6 byte on the stack (5 + CR)
push 0006h ;Header
push ds
push bx
push cx
push dx
;Set DS = SS
mov ax, ss
mov ds, ax
;Call Int 21/AH=0A
lea dx, [bp-08h] ;Address of the buffer structure
mov ah, 0ah
int 21h
;Start converting
lea si, [bp-06h]
xor ax, ax
mov bx, 10
xor cx, cx
;Get current char
mov cl, BYTE PTR [si]
inc si
;Check if end of string
cmp cl, CR_CHAR
je _r_ui16_end ;ZF = 1, CF = 0, OF = 0
;Convert char into digit and check
sub cl, '0'
jb _r_ui16_carry_end ;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = X -> 0
cmp cl, 9
ja _r_ui16_carry_end ;ZF = 0, CF = 0 -> 1, OF = X -> 0
;Update the partial result (taking care of overflow)
;AX = AX * 10
mul bx
add ax, cx
adc dx, 0
test dx, dx
jz _r_ui16_convert ;No overflow
;set OF and CF
mov ax, 8000h
dec ax
jmp _r_ui16_end ;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 1
or bl, 1 ;Clear OF and ZF
stc ;Set carry
;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 0
;Don't mess with flags hereafter!
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ds
mov sp, bp
pop bp
要将代码移植到 NASM,请从内存访问中删除 PTR
关键字(例如,mov cl, BYTE PTR [si]
变为 mov cl, BYTE [si]