
以下代码适用于 iOS 8 及更低版本,用于创建登录警报。

// Create the UIAlertView
var loginAlertView = new UIAlertView(title, message, null, cancelTitle, okTitle);

// Setting the AlertViewStyle to UIAlertViewStyle.LoginAndPasswordInput
loginAlertView.AlertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.LoginAndPasswordInput;

// Getting the fields Username and Password
var usernameTextField = loginAlertView.GetTextField(0);
var passwordTextField = loginAlertView.GetTextField(1);

// Setting a placeholder
usernameTextField.Placeholder = "user@stackoverflow.com";
passwordTextField.Placeholder = "Password";

// Adding the button click handler.
loginAlertView.Clicked += (alertViewSender, buttonArguments) =>
    // Check if cancel button is pressed
    if (buttonArguments.ButtonIndex == loginAlertView.CancelButtonIndex)
        // code
    // In our case loginAlertView.FirstOtherButtonIndex is equal to the OK button
    if (buttonArguments.ButtonIndex == loginAlertView.FirstOtherButtonIndex)
        // code

// Show the login alert dialog