Tkinter 詢問對話方塊
Tkinter 支援顯示訊息框。你需要的實現取決於你的 Python 版本。要測試你的版本:
python --version
Tkinter 問題對話方塊
Tkinter 可用於詢問使用者問題。
Python 2.x 版本:
import Tkinter
import tkMessageBox
result = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Python","Would you like to save the data?")
print result
Python 3.x 版本:
import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox
messagebox.askokcancel("Python","Would you like to save the data?")
Tkinter 訊息框
此程式碼將開啟一些 Tkinter 問題框:
Python 2.x 版本:
import Tkinter
import tkMessageBox
# Confirmation messagebox
tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Title","The application will be closed")
# Option messagebox
tkMessageBox.askyesno("Title","Do you want to save?")
# Try again messagebox
tkMessageBox.askretrycancel("Title","Installation failed, try again?")
Python 3.x 版本:
import tkinter
from tkinter import messagebox
messagebox.askokcancel("Title","The application will be closed")
messagebox.askyesno("Title","Do you want to save?")
messagebox.askretrycancel("Title","Installation failed, try again?")