
# This comment occupies a whole line
- some item # This comment succeeds content of a line
- http://example.com/#nocomment
- "This # does not introduce a comment."
- |
    This is a block scalar.
    A # inside it does not introduce a comment.
   # unless it is less indented than the first line (this is one)

請注意,對於 # 引入註釋,它必須要麼

  • 發生在一行的開頭,或
  • 之前是空格。

# 必須始終跟隨空格。引用標量內的 # 永遠不會發表評論。# 可能會在塊標量的末尾引入註釋,但因此,它必須比塊標量的基本縮排(通常由其第一個非空行的縮排確定)縮排。