
StackLayout 以水平或垂直方式組織一維線(堆疊)中的檢視。StackLayout 中的 Views 可以使用佈局選項根據佈局中的空間進行調整。定位由訂單檢視新增到檢視的佈局和佈局選項中確定。

StackOverflow 文件

在 XAML 中的用法

    <Label Text="This will be on top" />
    <Button Text="This will be on the bottom" />


StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout
    Spacing = 0,
    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
    Children = 
        new Label
            Text = "StackLayout",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
        new Label
            Text = "stacks its children",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
        new Label
            Text = "vertically",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
        new Label
            Text = "by default,",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
        new Label
            Text = "but horizontal placement",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start
        new Label
            Text = "can be controlled with",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
        new Label
            Text = "the HorizontalOptions property.",
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
        new Label
            Text = "An Expand option allows one or more children " +
                   "to occupy the an area within the remaining " +
                   "space of the StackLayout after it's been sized " +
                   "to the height of its parent.",
            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End
        new StackLayout
            Spacing = 0,
            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
            Children = 
                new Label
                    Text = "Stacking",
                new Label
                    Text = "can also be",
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand
                new Label
                    Text = "horizontal.",