
查詢可以通過兩種方式執行,這兩種方式都返回 ADO Recordset 物件,該物件是返回行的集合。請注意,下面的兩個示例都使用了 “連線到資料來源 ”示例中的 OpenDatabaseConnection 函式,以簡潔起見。請記住,傳遞給資料來源的 SQL 的語法是特定於提供者的。

第一種方法是將 SQL 語句直接傳遞給 Connection 物件,這是執行簡單查詢的最簡單方法:

Public Sub DisplayDistinctItems()
    On Error GoTo Handler
    Dim database As ADODB.Connection
    Set database = OpenDatabaseConnection(SomeDSN)
    If Not database Is Nothing Then
        Dim records As ADODB.Recordset
        Set records = database.Execute("SELECT DISTINCT Item FROM Table")
        'Loop through the returned Recordset.
        Do While Not records.EOF      'EOF is false when there are more records.
            'Individual fields are indexed either by name or 0 based ordinal.
            'Note that this is using the default .Fields member of the Recordset.
            Debug.Print records("Item")
            'Move to the next record.
    End If
    If Not records Is Nothing Then records.Close
    If Not database Is Nothing And database.State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume CleanExit
End Sub

第二種方法是為要執行的查詢建立 ADO Command 物件。這需要更多程式碼,但是為了使用引數化查詢是必要的:

Public Sub DisplayDistinctItems()
    On Error GoTo Handler
    Dim database As ADODB.Connection
    Set database = OpenDatabaseConnection(SomeDSN)
    If Not database Is Nothing Then
        Dim query As ADODB.Command
        Set query = New ADODB.Command
        'Build the command to pass to the data source.
        With query
            .ActiveConnection = database
            .CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT Item FROM Table"
            .CommandType = adCmdText
        End With
        Dim records As ADODB.Recordset
        'Execute the command to retrieve the recordset.
        Set records = query.Execute()

        Do While Not records.EOF
            Debug.Print records("Item")
    End If
    If Not records Is Nothing Then records.Close
    If Not database Is Nothing And database.State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    Resume CleanExit
End Sub

請注意,傳送到資料來源的命令容易受到 SQL 注入的攻擊,無論是有意還是無意。通常,不應通過連線任何型別的使用者輸入來建立查詢。相反,它們應該引數化(請參閱建立引數化命令 )。