JSON 解析 Swift 3

這是我們將使用的名為 animals.json 的 JSON 檔案

    "Sea Animals": [
     "name": "Fish",
     "question": "How many species of fish are there?"    },
                "name": "Sharks",
                "question": "How long do sharks live?"
                "name": "Squid",
                "question": "Do squids have brains?"
                "name": "Octopus",
                "question": "How big do octopus get?"
                "name": "Star Fish",
                "question": "How long do star fish live?"
    "mammals": [
      "name": "Dog",
      "question": "How long do dogs live?"
      "name": "Elephant",
      "question": "How much do baby elephants weigh?"
      "name": "Cats",
      "question": "Do cats really have 9 lives?"
      "name": "Tigers",
      "question": "Where do tigers live?"
      "name": "Pandas",
      "question": "WHat do pandas eat?"
    }   ] }

在專案中匯入 JSON 檔案

你可以執行此簡單功能來列印出你的 JSON 檔案

   func jsonParsingMethod() {
        //get the file
        let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "animals", ofType: "json")
        let content = try! String(contentsOfFile: filePath!)
        let data: Data = content.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
        let json: NSDictionary =  try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data as Data, options:.mutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
//Call which part of the file you'd like to pare
        if let results = json["mammals"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
            for res in results {
                //this will print out the names of the mammals from out file.
                if let rates = res["name"] as? String {

如果你想把它放在一個表檢視中,我會先用 NSObject 建立一個字典。

建立一個名為 ParsingObject 的新 swift 檔案並建立字串變數。

確保變數名稱與 JSON 檔案相同

。例如,在我們的專案中我們有 namequestion 所以在我們新的 swift 檔案中,我們將使用

var name: String?
var question: String?

將我們重新生成的 NSObject 初始化為 ViewController.swift var array = ParsingObject 然後我們將執行與之前相同的方法進行微小修改。

     func jsonParsingMethod() {
            //get the file
            let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "animals", ofType: "json")
            let content = try! String(contentsOfFile: filePath!)
            let data: Data = content.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
            let json: NSDictionary =  try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data as Data, options:.mutableContainers) as! NSDictionary
//This time let's get Sea Animals
            let results = json["Sea Animals"] as? [[String: AnyObject]]
//Get all the stuff using a for-loop
            for i in 0 ..< results!.count {
//get the value
                let dict = results?[i]
                let resultsArray = ParsingObject()
//append the value to our NSObject file

然後我們通過這樣做在我們的 tableview 中顯示它,

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            return array.count
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Cell", for: indexPath)
//This is where our values are stored
            let object = array[indexPath.row]
            cell.textLabel?.text = object.name
            cell.detailTextLabel?.text = object.question
            return cell