轉換數字 tofrom 字串

使用 String 初始值設定項將數字轉換為字串:

 placeholderCopyString(1635999)                              // returns "1635999"
String(1635999, radix: 10)                   // returns "1635999"
String(1635999, radix: 2)                    // returns "110001111011010011111"
String(1635999, radix: 16)                   // returns "18f69f"
String(1635999, radix: 16, uppercase: true)  // returns "18F69F"
String(1635999, radix: 17)                   // returns "129gf4"
String(1635999, radix: 36)                   // returns "z2cf"


 placeholderCopylet x = 42, y = 9001
"Between \(x) and \(y)"  // equivalent to "Between 42 and 9001"


 placeholderCopyif let num = Int("42") { /* ... */ }                // num is 42
if let num = Int("Z2cF") { /* ... */ }              // returns nil (not a number)
if let num = Int("z2cf", radix: 36) { /* ... */ }   // num is 1635999
if let num = Int("Z2cF", radix: 36) { /* ... */ }   // num is 1635999
if let num = Int8("Z2cF", radix: 36) { /* ... */ }  // returns nil (too large for Int8)