Hello world(獲取網站標題)

所有版本的 SharePoint 都基於站點(SPSite(SSOM) 或站點(CSOM))和 Web(SPWeb(SSOM) 或 Web(CSOM))。雖然網站確實包含應用於其子網站的後設資料和功能,但它不會在 UI 中呈現。Web 是基本構建塊,用於向訪問該站點的使用者呈現 UI。所有站點都有一個根網站,其中包含文件庫等資訊和/或後設資料。此示例顯示了在虛擬路徑 sites 下獲取位於伺服器 MyServer 上的 Web 的基本呼叫。

using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePointServices.Samples
    class RetrieveWebsite
        static void Main()
            // This is the URL of the target web we are interested in.
            string siteUrl = "http://MyServer/sites/MySiteCollection";    
            // The client context is allows us to queue up requests for the server
            // Note that the context can only ask questions about the site it is created for
            using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                // To make it easier to read the code, pull the target web
                // context off of the client context and store in a variable
                Web oWebsite = clientContext.Web;
                // Tell the client context we want to request information about the
                // Web from the server    
                // After we are done creating the batch of information we need from the sever,
                // request the data from SharePoint
                // Print the results of the query    
                Console.WriteLine("Title: {0} Description: {1}", oWebsite.Title, oWebsite.Description);