當一個方法被定義為一個巨集時,編譯器將獲取作為其引數傳遞的程式碼並將其轉換為 AST。然後它使用該 AST 呼叫巨集實現,並返回一個新的 AST,然後將其拼接回其呼叫站點。
import reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
object Macros {
// This macro simply sees if the argument is the result of an addition expression.
// E.g. isAddition(1+1) and isAddition("a"+1).
// but !isAddition(1+1-1), as the addition is underneath a subtraction, and also
// !isAddition(x.+), and !isAddition(x.+(a,b)) as there must be exactly one argument.
def isAddition(x: Any): Boolean = macro isAddition_impl
// The signature of the macro implementation is the same as the macro definition,
// but with a new Context parameter, and everything else is wrapped in an Expr.
def isAddition_impl(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[Boolean] = {
import c.universe._ // The universe contains all the useful methods and types
val plusName = TermName("+").encodedName // Take the name + and encode it as $plus
expr.tree match { // Turn expr into an AST representing the code in isAddition(...)
case Apply(Select(_, `plusName`), List(_)) => reify(true)
// Pattern match the AST to see whether we have an addition
// Above we match this AST
// Apply (function application)
// / \
// Select List(_) (exactly one argument)
// (selection ^ of entity, basically the . in x.y)
// / \
// _ \
// `plusName` (method named +)
case _ => reify(false)
// reify is a macro you use when writing macros
// It takes the code given as its argument and creates an Expr out of it
也可以使用 Tree
s 作為引數的巨集。就像 reify
如何用來建立 Expr
s 一樣,q
(用於 quasiquote)字串插值器讓我們可以建立和解構 Tree
s。請注意,我們本可以使用上面的 q
,很驚訝,也是一個 Tree
// No Exprs, just Trees
def isAddition_impl(c: Context)(tree: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
tree match {
// q is a macro too, so it must be used with string literals.
// It can destructure and create Trees.
// Note how there was no need to encode + this time, as q is smart enough to do it itself.
case q"${_} + ${_}" => q"true"
case _ => q"false"