使用層次結構自定義設定禁用 Apex 程式碼


在此示例中,建立了一個簡單的觸發器 ,用於將即將插入或更新的機會的關閉日期更改為將來 10 天的日期。

Apex Controller 自定義設定的核取方塊欄位允許在使用者/配置檔案/組織級別禁用程式碼。

Apex 類

trigger CloseDateUpdate on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
    Id userId;
    Apx_Cntrlr__c userApexController;
    Boolean userSetting;
    userId = userinfo.getUserId();
    userApexController = Apx_Cntrlr__c.getInstance(userId);
    userSetting = userApexController.Close_Date_Update_Disabled__c;

    if (userSetting == false) {
        for(Opportunity opp : Trigger.new) {
            opp.CloseDate = date.today().addDays(10);


public class CloseDateUpdateTest {
    static void dataSetup() {
        Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator' LIMIT 1];
        User u = new User(LastName = 'Test',Alias = 't1',Email = 'example@gmail.com',Username = 'sotest@gmail.com',ProfileId = p.Id,TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Denver',LocaleSidKey = 'en_US',EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8',LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US');
        insert u;
    static testMethod void testCloseDateUpdateEnabled() {
        User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Username = 'sotest@gmail.com'];
        // set the custom setting field to FALSE so that the trigger is not deactivated
        Apx_Cntrlr__c apexController = new Apx_Cntrlr__c(SetupOwnerId = u.Id,Close_Date_Update_Disabled__c = false);
        upsert apexController;
        Opportunity[] opportunities1 = new Opportunity[]{};
                for(integer i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
                    opportunities1.add(new Opportunity(
                        Name          = 'Test Opp ' + i,
                        OwnerId       = u.Id,
                        StageName     = 'Prospecting',
                        CloseDate     = date.today().addDays(1),
                        Amount        = 100));
            insert opportunities1;
        List<Opportunity> opportunities2 = [SELECT CloseDate FROM Opportunity];
        for(Opportunity o : opportunities2){
            system.assertEquals(date.today().addDays(10), o.closeDate, 'CloseDateUpdate trigger should have changed the Opportunity close date as it was not disabled by the apexController custom setting');
    static testMethod void testCloseDateUpdateDisabled() {
        User u = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Username = 'sotest@gmail.com'];
        // set the custom setting field to TRUE to deactivate the trigger
        Apx_Cntrlr__c apexController = new Apx_Cntrlr__c(SetupOwnerId = u.Id,Close_Date_Update_Disabled__c = true);
        upsert apexController;
        Opportunity[] opportunities1 = new Opportunity[]{};
            for(integer i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
                opportunities1.add(new Opportunity(
                    Name          = 'Test Opp ' + i,
                    OwnerId       = u.Id,
                    StageName     = 'Prospecting',
                    CloseDate     = date.today().addDays(1),
                    Amount        = 100));
            insert opportunities1;
        List<Opportunity> opportunities2 = [SELECT CloseDate FROM Opportunity];
        for(Opportunity o : opportunities2){
            system.assertEquals(date.today().addDays(1), o.closeDate, 'CloseDateUpdate trigger should not have changed the Opportunity close date as it was disabled by the apexController custom setting');