Tokio 示例
所述 TOKIO 訊號箱提供了用於處理訊號的基於 TOKIO 的解決方案。儘管如此,它還處於早期階段。
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_signal;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use tokio_core::reactor::Core
use tokio_signal::unix::{self as unix_signal, Signal};
use std::thread::{self, sleep};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
fn run(signals: Receiver<i32>) {
loop {
if let Some(signal) = signals.try_recv() {
eprintln!("received {} signal");
fn main() {
// Create channels for sending and receiving signals
let (signals_tx, signals_rx) = channel();
// Execute the program with the receiving end of the channel
// for listening to any signals that are sent to it.
thread::spawn(move || run(signals_rx));
// Create a stream that will select over SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGHUP signals.
let signals = Signal::new(unix_signal::SIGINT, &handle).flatten_stream()
.select(Signal::new(unix_signal::SIGTERM, &handle).flatten_stream())
.select(Signal::new(unix_signal::SIGHUP, &handle).flatten_stream());
// Execute the event loop that will listen for and transmit received
// signals to the shell.|signal| {
let _ = signals_tx.send(signal);