提供了 App.GoogleMap
咖啡指令碼類 ,谷歌地圖可以像這樣初始化:
# app/assets/javascripts/google_maps.js.coffee
# ...
class App.GoogleMap
map_div: {}
map: {}
constructor: (map_div)->
@map_div = map_div
# To access the GoogleMap object or the map object itself
# later via the DOM, for example
# $('.google_map').data('GoogleMap')
# store references as data attribute of the map_div.
reference_the_map_as_data_attribute: ->
@map_div.data 'GoogleMap', this
@map_div.data 'map', @map
init_map: ->
@map = new google.maps.Map(@dom_element, @map_configuration) if google?
# `@map_div` is the jquery object. But google maps needs
# the real DOM element.
dom_element: ->
map_configuration: -> {
scrollWheel: true
要了解有關可能的 map_configuration
選項的更多資訊,請檢視 Google 的 MapOptions 文件及其新增控制元件元素的指南 。
作為參考, google.maps.Map
類在此廣泛記錄 。