其中 a 和 b 是 0
到 9
[3-7] will match a single digit in the range 3 to 7.
\d\d will match 2 consecutive digits
\d+ will match 1 or more consecutive digits
\d* will match 0 or more consecutive digits
\d{3} will match 3 consecutive digits
\d{3,6} will match 3 to 6 consecutive digits
\d{3,} will match 3 or more consecutive digits
[3-7][3-7] will match 2 consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[3-7]+ will match 1 or more consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[3-7]* will match 0 or more consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[3-7]{3} will match 3 consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[3-7]{3,6} will match 3 to 6 consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[3-7]{3,} will match 3 or more consecutive digits that are in the range 3 to 7
[13579] will only match "odd" digits
[02468] will only match "even" digits
1|3|5|7|9 another way of matching "odd" digits - the | symbol means OR
\d|10 matches 0 to 10 single digit OR 10. The | symbol means OR
[1-9]|10 matches 1 to 10 digit in range 1 to 9 OR 10
[1-9]|1[0-5] matches 1 to 15 digit in range 1 to 9 OR 1 followed by digit 1 to 5
\d{1,2}|100 matches 0 to 100 one to two digits OR 100
\d*0 matches any number that divides by 10 - any number ending in 0
\d*00 matches any number that divides by 100 - any number ending in 00
\d*[05] matches any number that divides by 5 - any number ending in 0 or 5
\d*[02468] matches any number that divides by 2 - any number ending in 0,2,4,6 or 8
匹配的數字除以 4 - 任何數字為 0,4 或 8 或結束於 00,04,08,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,68,72,76,80,84,88,92 或 96
這可以縮短。例如,我們可以使用 2[048]
代替 20|24|28
。此外,由於 40 年代,60 年代和 80 年代具有相同的模式,我們可以包括它們:[02468][048]
和其他的模式太 [13579][26]
[048]|\d*([02468][048]|[13579][26]) - numbers divisible by 4
匹配的數字不具有可被 2,4,5,10 等整除的模式,但不能總是簡潔地完成,你通常不得不求助於一系列數字。例如,通過列出所有這些數字,可以簡單地匹配在 1 到 50 範圍內除以 7 的所有數字:
or you could do it this way