
通過呼叫 plot() 建立基本圖。在這裡,我們使用內建的 cars 資料框,其中包含汽車的速度和 20 世紀 20 年代停止的距離。 (要了解有關資料集的更多資訊,請使用 help(cars))。

plot(x = cars$speed, y = cars$dist, pch = 1, col = 1, 
     main = "Distance vs Speed of Cars", 
     xlab = "Speed", ylab = "Distance")

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with(cars, plot(dist~speed, pch = 2, col = 3, 
     main = "Distance to stop vs Speed of Cars", 
     xlab = "Speed", ylab = "Distance"))

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通過呼叫 points()text()mtext()lines()grid() 等可以在此圖中新增其他功能。

plot(dist~speed, pch = "*", col = "magenta", data=cars,
     main = "Distance to stop vs Speed of Cars", 
     xlab = "Speed", ylab = "Distance")
mtext("In the 1920s.")

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