
Pygame 有一個模組 pygame.draw,它包含可以直接將形狀繪製到 Surface 的函式。

功能 描述
pygame.draw.rect 畫一個矩形的形狀
pygame.draw.polygon 畫出任意數量的形狀
pygame.draw.circle 圍繞一個點畫一個圓圈
pygame.draw.ellipse 在矩形內繪製圓形
pygame.draw.arc 繪製橢圓的區域性剖面
pygame.draw.line 繪製一條直線段
pygame.draw.lines 繪製多個連續的線段
pygame.draw.aaline 繪製精細的抗鋸齒線
pygame.draw.aalines 繪製連線的抗鋸齒線序列


要使用該模組,首先需要正確匯入和初始化 pygame,併為顯示設定一個模式。提前定義顏色常量很方便,使你的程式碼更具可讀性和美觀性。所有函式都使用 Surface 繪製,顏色和位置引數可以是 pygame Rect 或 2 元素整數/浮點序列(由於未定義的原因,pygame.draw.circle 只會佔用整數)。

下面的程式碼將展示所有不同的功能,它們的使用方式和外觀。我們將在示例之前初始化 pygame 並定義一些常量。

import pygame
from math import pi

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((100, 100))
WHITE = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
RED = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) 

黑色是 Surface 預設顏色,表示尚未繪製的 Surface 部分。每個功能的引數在下面的引數中解釋。


size = (50, 50)

rect_border = pygame.Surface(size)  # Create a Surface to draw on.
pygame.draw.rect(rect_border, RED, rect_border.get_rect(), 10)  # Draw on it.

rect_filled = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.rect(rect_filled, RED, rect_filled.get_rect())   

StackOverflow 文件


size = (50, 50)
points = [(25, 0), (50, 25), (25, 50), (0, 25)]  # The corner points of the polygon.

polygon = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.polygon(polygon, RED, points, 10)

polygon_filled = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.polygon(polygon_filled, RED, points)

StackOverflow 文件

size = (50, 50)
radius = 25

circle = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.circle(circle, RED, (radius, radius), radius, 10)  # Position is the center of the circle.

circle_filled = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.circle(circle_filled, RED, (radius, radius), radius)

這些漏洞是 pygame 繪圖演算法的一個不幸結果。

StackOverflow 文件


size = (50, 25)  # Minimize it's height so it doesn't look like a circle.

ellipse = pygame.Surface(size)  
pygame.draw.ellipse(ellipse, RED, ellipse.get_rect(), 5)

ellipse_filled = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.ellipse(ellipse_filled, RED, ellipse.get_rect())

這些漏洞是 pygame 繪圖演算法的一個不幸結果。

StackOverflow 文件

size = (50, 50)

arc = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.arc(arc, RED, arc.get_rect(), 0, pi)  # 0 to pi is 180° creating a half circle.

StackOverflow 文件

size = (50, 50)

line = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.line(line, RED, (0, 0), (50, 50))  # Start at topleft and ends at bottomright.

StackOverflow 文件

size = (50, 50)
points = [(25, 0), (50, 25), (25, 50), (0, 25)]

lines = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.lines(lines, RED, False, points)

lines_closed = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.lines(lines_closed, RED, True, points)

StackOverflow 文件


size = (50, 50)

antialiased_line = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.aaline(antialiased_line, RED, (0, 0), (50, 50))

StackOverflow 文件


size = (50, 50)
points = [(25, 0), (50, 25), (25, 50), (0, 25)]

antialiased_lines = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.aalines(antialiased_lines, RED, False, points)

antialiased_lines_closed = pygame.Surface(size)
pygame.draw.aalines(antialiased_lines_closed, RED, True, points)

StackOverflow 文件


要自己試一試:將上面的一個程式碼片段和下面的程式碼複製到一個空檔案中,將名稱影象更改為要進行 blit 和實驗的 Surface 的名稱。

import pygame
from math import pi

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((100, 100))
WHITE = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
RED = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) 

# But code snippet here

while True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
    screen.blit(image, (25, 25))