placeholderCopy1..10 | foreach-object {
$fileName = "file_name_$_.txt"
Write-Progress -Activity "Copying files" -Status "$($_*10) %" -Id 1 -PercentComplete ($_*10) -CurrentOperation "Copying file $fileName"
1..100 | foreach-object {
Write-Progress -Activity "Copying contents of the file $fileName" -Status "$_ %" -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -PercentComplete $_ -CurrentOperation "Copying $_. line"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 20 # sleep simulates working code, replace this line with your executive code (i.e. file copying)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 # sleep simulates working code, replace this line with your executive code (i.e. file search)
請注意,為簡潔起見,此示例不包含任何執行程式碼(使用 Start-Sleep
這是 PS 控制檯中的結果:
這是 PS ISE 中的結果: