注入 Play 類

你經常需要從框架本身(如 WSClient 或 Configuration)訪問類的例項。你可以在自己的類中注入它們:

-scala langCopyclass ComplexService @Inject()(
  configuration: Configuration,
  wsClient: WSClient,
  applicationLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle,
  cacheApi: CacheApi,
  actorSystem: ActorSystem,
  executionContext: ExecutionContext
  ) {
  // Implementation goes here
  // you can use all the injected classes :
  // configuration to read your .conf files
  // wsClient to make HTTP requests
  // applicationLifecycle to register stuff to do when the app shutdowns
  // cacheApi to use a cache system
  // actorSystem to use AKKA
  // executionContext to work with Futures

有些像 ExecutionContext,如果它們被隱式匯入,可能會更容易使用。只需將它們新增到建構函式的第二個引數列表中:

-scala langCopyclass ComplexService @Inject()(
  configuration: Configuration,
  wsClient: WSClient
  )(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
  // Implementation goes here
  // you can still use the injected classes
  // and executionContext is imported as an implicit argument for the whole class