-scala langCopyimport com.google.inject.AbstractModule
// Play will automatically use any class called `Module` that is in the root package
class Module extends AbstractModule {
override def configure() = {
// Here you can put your customisation code.
// The annotations are still used, but you can override or complete them.
// Bind a class to a manual instantiation of it
// i.e. the FunkService needs not to have any annotation, but can still
// be injected in other classes
bind(classOf[FunkService]).toInstance(new FunkService)
// Bind an interface to a class implementing it
// i.e. the DiscoService interface can be injected into another class
// the DiscoServiceImplementation is the concrete class that will
// be actually injected.
// Bind a class to itself, but instantiates it when the application starts
// Useful to executes code on startup