
你需要在頁面中包含 Pagination.php

 placeholderCopyrequire_once 'Paginator.php';

$Paginator = new Paginator('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ng_app', 'root', '000000');
$Paginator->createPages(); // this will create pages using PHP copy()
$Paginator->setCurrentPageClass('active'); // set the current page class
$numPrevPage = 4; // number of pages to appear before the current page
$numNextPage = 4; // number of pages to appear after the current page
$paginationCssClass = 'pagination';


 placeholderCopy<div class="text-center">
    <!-- our pagination  using Bootstrap-->
      $Paginator->pagination($Paginator->getPageNumber(), $numPrevPage, $numNextPage, $paginationCssClass);

StackOverflow 文件

建立 Paginator 檔案


class Paginator
    private $_db;
    private $_table = null;
    private $_currentPageClass = '';
    private $_itemLimitPerPage;
    private $_rowOffset = 0;
    private $_urlPattern = '/';

     * @return string url pattern
    public function getUrlPattern()
        return $this->_urlPattern;

     * @param string $urlPattern
    public function setUrlPattern($urlPattern)
        $this->_urlPattern = $urlPattern;

     * @return int value of itemLimitPerPage
    public function getItemLimitPerPage()
        return $this->_itemLimitPerPage;

     * @param int $limitItems number of items per page
    public function setItemLimitPerPage($limitItems)
        $this->_itemLimitPerPage = $limitItems;

     * @return int value of rowOffset
    public function getRowOffset()
        return $this->_rowOffset;

     * @param int $rowOffset number of row offset
    public function setRowOffset($rowOffset)
        $this->_rowOffset = $rowOffset;

     * Paginator constructor.
     * @param string $dsn database host and database name
     * @param string $username database username
     * @param string $password user password
    public function __construct($dsn, $username, $password)
        try {
            $this->_db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
        } catch (PDOException $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();

     * Get the name of the table
     * @return string the name of the table
    public function getTable()
        return $this->_table;

     * Set the name of the table
     * @param string $table the name of the table to be used
    public function setTable($table)
        $this->_table = $table;

     * Get the class to be used on the current item/page
     * @return string the current page class
    public function getCurrentPageClass()
        return $this->_currentPageClass;

     * Set the class to be used on the current item/page
     * @param string $currentPageClass set the class to be used for the current page
    public function setCurrentPageClass($currentPageClass)
        $this->_currentPageClass = $currentPageClass;

     * Get the number of rows available
     * @param null $table optional table name
     * @return int the number of row count
     * @throws Exception when table is not set or provided
    public function getRowCount($table = null)
        if ($this->_table === null && $table === null) {
            throw new Exception("Table was not set");
        } else {
            if ($table !== null) {
                $stmt = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
                return $stmt->rowCount();
            } elseif ($this->_table !== null) {
                $stmt = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT * FROM $this->_table");
                return $stmt->rowCount();

     * Get the number of rows left from the database
     * @param null $table optional table name
     * @return int number of rows left
     * @throws Exception when table is not set or provided
    public function getRowsLeft($table = null)
        if ($this->getCurrentPage() !== 'index.php') {
            $this->_rowOffset = ($this->_itemLimitPerPage * $this->getPageNumber());
        if ($this->_table === null && $table === null) {
            throw new Exception("Table was not set");
        } else {
            if ($table !== null) {
                $stmt = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT " . $this->getRowOffset() . "," . $this->getItemLimitPerPage());
                return $stmt->rowCount();
            } elseif ($this->_table !== null) {
                $stmt = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT * FROM $this->_table LIMIT " . $this->getRowOffset() . "," . $this->getItemLimitPerPage());
                return $stmt->rowCount();

     * Get data to be used on the current page
     * @param int $colId column id
     * @param array $params optional parameters for ['table' => 'tableName', 'sort' => 'ASC', 'columns' => 'colId, name, etc']
     * @return array columns from database
     * @throws Exception when table is not set or provided
    public function getPageData($colId, $params = [])
        if ($this->_table === null && !isset($params['table'])) {
            throw new Exception("Table was not set");
        $columns = isset($params['columns']) ? $params['columns'] : '*';
        $sort = isset($params['sort']) ? $params['sort'] : 'DESC';
        if (isset($params['table'])) {
            $table = $params['table'];
            $rowsLeft = $this->getRowsLeft($table);
            if ($rowsLeft < $this->_itemLimitPerPage) {
                $this->_itemLimitPerPage = $rowsLeft;
            $select = "SELECT $columns FROM " . $table . " ORDER BY $colId $sort LIMIT ?,?";
            $prepare = $this->_db->prepare($select);
            $prepare->bindParam(1, $this->_rowOffset, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $prepare->bindParam(2, $this->_itemLimitPerPage, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $results = $prepare->fetchAll();
            return $results;
        } elseif ($this->_table !== null) {
            $rowsLeft = $this->getRowsLeft($this->_table);
            if ($rowsLeft < $this->_itemLimitPerPage) {
                $this->_itemLimitPerPage = $rowsLeft;
            $prepare = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT * FROM $this->_table ORDER BY $colId $sort LIMIT " . $this->getRowOffset() . "," . $this->getItemLimitPerPage());
            $results = $prepare->fetchAll();
            return $results;

     * Create pages that will appear before the current page
     * @param int $pageNumber the current page number
     * @param int $numPrevPages the number of pages to appear before the current page
     * @param $cssClass class set to the li list
     * @param $attr attribtes for li list
     * @return string list of pagination links
    function prevPages($pageNumber, $numPrevPages, $cssClass, $attr)
        $listItems = ''; // to save all list items.
        while ($numPrevPages >= 1) {
            $pageNumber -= 1;
            if ($pageNumber >= 1) {
                $page = $pageNumber . '.php';
                if (file_exists("$page")) {
                    $listItems = '<li class="' . $cssClass . '" ' . $attr . '><a href="' . $this->getUrlPattern() . $pageNumber . '.php">' . $pageNumber . '</a></li>' . $listItems;
            $numPrevPages -= 1;
        return $listItems;

     * Create pages that will appear after the current page
     * @param $pageNumber the current page number
     * @param $numNextPages the number of pages to appear after the current page
     * @param $cssClass class set to the li list
     * @param $attr attribtes for li list
     * @return string list of pagination links
    function nextPages($pageNumber, $numNextPages, $cssClass, $attr)
        $listItems = ''; // to save list items.
        $count = 1;
        while ($count <= $numNextPages) {
            $pageNumber += 1;
            $page = $pageNumber . '.php';
            if (file_exists("$page")) {
                $listItems .= '<li class="' . $cssClass . '" ' . $attr . '><a href="' . $this->getUrlPattern() . $pageNumber . '.php">' . $pageNumber . '</a></li>';
            $count += 1;
        return $listItems;

     * Create the pagination links
     * @param $pageNumber the current page number
     * @param $numPrevPages the number of pages to appear before the current page
     * @param $numNextPages  the number of pages to appear after the current page
     * @param array $attributes optional list of list attributes.
     * ['ul-class': => 'space separated list of classes', 'ul-attr': 'id="someId" data-pre="pre"', 'li-class': 'space separated list of classes', 'li-attr': 'id="someid"']
    function pagination($pageNumber, $numPrevPages, $numNextPages, $attributes = [])
        $ulCssClass = isset($attributes['ul-class']) ? $attributes['ul-class'] : '';
        $ulAttr = isset($attributes['ul-attr']) ? $attributes['ul-attr'] : '';
        $liCssClass = isset($attributes['li-class']) ? $attributes['li-class'] : '';
        $liAttr = isset($attributes['li-attr']) ? $attributes['li-attr'] : '';
        $prevPagesList = '<ul class="' . $ulCssClass . '" ' . $ulAttr . '>' . $this->prevButton($pageNumber) . $this->prevPages($pageNumber, $numPrevPages, $liCssClass, $liAttr);
        $nextPageList = $this->nextPages($pageNumber, $numNextPages, $liCssClass, $liAttr) . $this->nextButton($pageNumber) . '</ul>';
        if ($pageNumber == 'index') {
            $listItems = $prevPagesList . $nextPageList;
        } else {
            $listItems = $prevPagesList . '<li class="' . $this->getCurrentPageClass() . '"><a href="">' . $pageNumber . '</a> </li>' . $nextPageList;
        echo $listItems;

     * Create a link for previous button
     * @param $pageNumber the current page number
     * @return string the previous link item list
    function prevButton($pageNumber)
        $prev = '';
        if ($pageNumber == 1) {
            $prev = '<li><a href="index.php">&laquo; Previous</a></li>';
        } elseif ($pageNumber > 1) {
            $prev = '<li><a href="' . $this->getUrlPattern() . ($pageNumber - 1) . '.php' . '">&laquo; Previous</a></li>';
        return $prev;

     * Create a link for next button
     * @param $pageNumber the current page number
     * @return string the next link item list
    function nextButton($pageNumber)
        if ($pageNumber == 'index') {
            $page = '1.php';
        } else {
            $page = ($pageNumber + 1) . '.php';
        if (file_exists($page)) {
            return '<li><a href="' . $this->getUrlPattern() . ($pageNumber + 1) . '.php">Next &raquo; </a></li>';
        return '';

     * Get the current page number
     * @return int the current page number
    function getPageNumber()
        $currentPage = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
        $pageNumber = rtrim($currentPage, '.php');
        return $pageNumber;

     * Get the current page
     * @return string return the current page
    function getCurrentPage()
        $currentPage = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
        return $currentPage;

     * create the required pages
    function createPages()
        $last_page = ($this->getRowCount() / $this->getItemLimitPerPage()) - 1;
        if (!is_int($last_page)) {
            $last_page = (int)$last_page + 1;
        for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $last_page; $counter++) {
            $page = $counter . '.php';
            if (!file_exists($page)) {
                copy('index.php', $page);
