2.0 標準模式下的子列表

-js langCopy// Working with a sublist in Standard Mode in SuiteScript 2.0...

require(["N/record"], function (r) {
    var rec = r.create({
        "type": r.Type.SALES_ORDER,
        "isDynamic": false

    // Set relevant body fields ...

    // Add line item 456 with quantity 10 at the beginning of the Items sublist
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "item", "value": 456, "line": 0});
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "quantity", "value": 10, "line": 0});

    // Insert line item 238 with quantity 5 at the beginning of the Items sublist
    rec.insertLine({"sublistId": "item", "line": 0});
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "item", "value": 238, "line": 0});
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "quantity", "value": 5, "line": 0});

    // Insert line item 777 with quantity 3 before the last line of the Items sublist
    var lastIndex = rec.getLineCount({"sublistId": "item"}) - 1; // 2.0 sublists have 0-based index
    rec.insertLine({"sublistId": "item", "line": lastIndex}); // The last line will now actually be at lastIndex + 1
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "item", "value": 777, "line": lastIndex});
    rec.setSublistValue({"sublistId": "item", "fieldId": "quantity", "value": 3, "line": lastIndex});

    // Remove the first line
    rec.removeLine({"sublistId": "item", "line": 0});

    // Remove the last line
    rec.removeLine({"sublistId": "item", "line": rec.getLineCount({"sublistId": "item"}) - 1});
