

public class GreetingsService { // class to be tested in isolation
    private UserService userService;

    public GreetingsService(UserService userService) {
        this.userService = userService;

    public String getGreetings(int userId, LocalTime time) { // the method under test
        StringBuilder greetings = new StringBuilder();
        String timeOfDay = getTimeOfDay(time.getHour());
        greetings.append("Good ").append(timeOfDay).append(", ");
        greetings.append(userService.getFirstName(userId)) // this call will be mocked
                .append(" ")
                .append(userService.getLastName(userId)) // this call will be mocked
        return greetings.toString();

    private String getTimeOfDay(int hour) { // private method doesn't need to be unit tested
        if (hour >= 0 && hour < 12)
            return "Morning";
        else if (hour >= 12 && hour < 16)
            return "Afternoon";
        else if (hour >= 16 && hour < 21)
            return "Evening";
        else if (hour >= 21 && hour < 24)
            return "Night";
            return null;


public interface UserService {
    String getFirstName(int userId);

    String getLastName(int userId);

假設 UserService 的實際實現:

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
    public String getFirstName(int userId) {
        String firstName = "";
        // some logic to get user's first name goes here
        // this could be anything like a call to another service,
        // a database query, or a web service call
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName(int userId) {
        String lastName = "";
        // some logic to get user's last name goes here
        // this could be anything like a call to another service,
        // a database query, or a web service call
        return lastName;

與 Mockito 一起進行 Junit 測試:

public class GreetingsServiceTest {
    private UserServiceImpl userService; // this class will be mocked
    private GreetingsService greetingsService = new GreetingsService(userService);

    public void setUp() {

    public void testGetGreetings_morning() throws Exception {
        // specify mocked behavior
        // invoke method under test
        String greetings = greetingsService.getGreetings(99, LocalTime.of(0, 45));
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed to get greetings!", "Good Morning, John Doe!", greetings);

    public void testGetGreetings_afternoon() throws Exception {
        // specify mocked behavior
        // invoke method under test
        String greetings = greetingsService.getGreetings(11, LocalTime.of(13, 15));
        Assert.assertEquals("Failed to get greetings!", "Good Afternoon, Jane Doe!", greetings);