向 mock 物件新增行為

Mockito.when(mock.returnSomething()).thenReturn("my val");

mock.returnSomething(); // returns "my val"
mock.returnSomething(); // returns "my val" again
mock.returnSomething(); // returns "my val" again and again and again...

如果你想在第二次呼叫時獲得不同的值,你可以在 thenReturn 方法中新增想要的返回引數:

Mockito.when(mock.returnSomething()).thenReturn("my val", "other val");

mock.returnSomething(); // returns "my val"
mock.returnSomething(); // returns "other val"
mock.returnSomething(); // returns "other val" again

如果你將呼叫方法而不向 mock 新增行為,則它將返回 null:

barMock.mock.returnSomethingElse(); // returns null

如果 mocked 方法有引數,你也應該宣告值:

Mockito.when(mock.returnSomething("param 1")).thenReturn("my val 1");
Mockito.when(mock.returnSomething("param 2")).thenReturn("my val 2");

mock.returnSomething("param 1"); // returns "my val 1"
mock.returnSomething("param 2"); // returns "my val 2"
mock.returnSomething("param 3"); // returns null

如果你不關心 param 值,可以使用 Matchers.any()


mock.returnSomething("param 1"); // returns "p1"
mock.returnSomething("param other"); // returns "p1"

要丟擲異常使用 thenThrow 方法:

Mockito.when(mock.returnSomething()).thenThrow(new Exception());

mock.returnSomething(); // throws Exception