簡單的 AfxBeginThread 工作執行緒示例

此示例顯示了 AfxBeginThread 的呼叫,該呼叫啟動了工作執行緒以及該執行緒的示例工作執行緒過程。

// example simple thread procedure.
UINT __cdecl threadProc(LPVOID rawInput)
    // convert it to the correct data type. It's common to pass entire structures this way.
    int* input = (int*)rawInput;
    // TODO: Add your worker code...
    MessageBox(0,"Inside thread!",0,0);
    // avoid memory leak.
    delete input;
    return 0;
// ...
// somewhere that gets called when you want to start the thread...
int* input = new int;
*input = 9001;
AfxBeginThread(threadProc, input);
// after this, the message box should appear, and the rest of your code should continue 
// running.