這是一個基本 GUI 的示例,其中包含兩個按鈕,用於更改儲存在 GUI 的 handles
function gui_passing_data()
% A basic GUI with two buttons to show a simple use of the 'handles'
% structure in GUI building
% Create a new figure.
f = figure();
% Retrieve the handles structure
handles = guidata(f);
% Store the figure handle
handles.figure = f;
% Create an edit box and two buttons (plus and minus),
% and store their handles for future use
handles.hedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Position',[10,200,60,20] , 'Enable', 'Inactive');
handles.hbutton_plus = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','+',...
'Position',[80,200,60,20] , 'Callback' , @ButtonPress);
handles.hbutton_minus = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','-',...
'Position',[150,200,60,20] , 'Callback' , @ButtonPress);
% Define an initial value, store it in the handles structure and show
% it in the Edit box
handles.value = 1;
set(handles.hedit , 'String' , num2str(handles.value))
% Store handles
guidata(f, handles);
function ButtonPress(hObject, eventdata)
% A button was pressed
% Retrieve the handles
handles = guidata(hObject);
% Determine which button was pressed; hObject is the calling object
switch(get(hObject , 'String'))
case '+'
% Add 1 to the value
handles.value = handles.value + 1;
set(handles.hedit , 'String', num2str(handles.value))
case '-'
% Substract 1 from the value
handles.value = handles.value - 1;
% Display the new value
set(handles.hedit , 'String', num2str(handles.value))
% Store handles
guidata(hObject, handles);
要測試該示例,請將其儲存在名為 gui_passing_data.m
的檔案中,然後使用 F5 啟動它。請注意,在這種簡單的情況下,你甚至不需要將值儲存在控制代碼結構中,因為你可以直接從編輯框的 String