有時候,你不想觸發元方法,而是真正地寫入或讀取給定的金鑰,而沒有一些巧妙的功能包裹在訪問中。為此,lua 為你提供原始表訪問方法:
placeholderCopy-- first, set up a metatable that allows no read/write access
local meta = {
__index = function(object, index)
-- raise an error
error(string.format("the key '%s' is not present in object '%s'", index, object))
__newindex = function(object, index, value)
-- raise an error, this prevents any write access to the table
error(string.format("you are not allowed to write the object '%s'", object))
local t = { foo = "bar" }
setmetatable(t, meta)
-- both lines raise an error:
--t[1] = 42
-- we can now circumvent this problem by using raw access:
print(rawget(t, 1)) -- prints nil
rawset(t, 1, 42) -- ok
-- since the key 1 is now valid, we can use it in a normal manner:
有了這個,我們現在可以重寫以前的 __newindex
placeholderCopymeta.__newindex = function(object, index, value)
print(string.format("writing the value '%s' to the object '%s' at the key '%s'",
value, object, index))
rawset(object, index, value)