
Laravel 中的異常由 App \ Exceptions \ Handler.php 處理


 public function report(Exception $e)

報告方法用於記錄異常或將其傳送到 BugSnag 等外部服務。預設情況下,report 方法只是將異常傳遞給記錄異常的基類。但是,你可以根據需要自由記錄異常。


public function report(Exception $e)
    if ($e instanceof \Exception) {
        // Fetch the error information we would like to 
        // send to the view for emailing
        $error['file']    = $e->getFile();
        $error['code']    = $e->getCode();
        $error['line']    = $e->getLine();
        $error['message'] = $e->getMessage();
        $error['trace']   = $e->getTrace();

        // Only send email reports on production server
        if(ENV('APP_ENV') == "production"){
            #1. Queue email for sending on "exceptions_emails" queue
            #2. Use the emails.exception_notif view shown below
            #3. Pass the error array to the view as variable $e
            Mail::queueOn('exception_emails', 'emails.exception_notif', ["e" => $error], function ($m) {
                $m->subject("Laravel Error");
                $m->from(ENV("MAIL_FROM"), ENV("MAIL_NAME"));
                $m->to("webmaster@laravelapp.com", "Webmaster");


    // Pass the error on to continue processing
    return parent::report($e);


$action = (\Route::getCurrentRoute()) ? \Route::getCurrentRoute()->getActionName() : "n/a";
$path = (\Route::getCurrentRoute()) ? \Route::getCurrentRoute()->getPath() : "n/a";
$user = (\Auth::check()) ? \Auth::user()->name : 'no login';

There was an error in your Laravel App<br />

<hr />
<table border="1" width="100%">
    <tr><th >User:</th><td>{{ $user }}</td></tr>
    <tr><th >Message:</th><td>{{ $e['message'] }}</td></tr>
    <tr><th >Action:</th><td>{{ $action }}</td></tr>
    <tr><th >URI:</th><td>{{ $path }}</td></tr>
    <tr><th >Line:</th><td>{{ $e['line'] }}</td></tr>
    <tr><th >Code:</th><td>{{ $e['code'] }}</td></tr>