從具有圓角半徑的一組點 [{x:?,y:?},{x:?,y:?},...,{x:?,y:?}]
var triangle = [
{ x: 200, y : 50 },
{ x: 300, y : 200 },
{ x: 100, y : 200 }
var cornerRadius = 30;
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.fillStyle = "Green";
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.beginPath(); // start a new path
roundedPoly(triangle, cornerRadius);
var roundedPoly = function(points,radius){
var i, x, y, len, p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, sinA, sinA90, radDirection, drawDirection, angle, halfAngle, cRadius, lenOut;
var asVec = function (p, pp, v) { // convert points to a line with len and normalised
v.x = pp.x - p.x; // x,y as vec
v.y = pp.y - p.y;
v.len = Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); // length of vec
v.nx = v.x / v.len; // normalised
v.ny = v.y / v.len;
v.ang = Math.atan2(v.ny, v.nx); // direction of vec
v1 = {};
v2 = {};
len = points.length; // number points
p1 = points[len - 1]; // start at end of path
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // do each corner
p2 = points[(i) % len]; // the corner point that is being rounded
p3 = points[(i + 1) % len];
// get the corner as vectors out away from corner
asVec(p2, p1, v1); // vec back from corner point
asVec(p2, p3, v2); // vec forward from corner point
// get corners cross product (asin of angle)
sinA = v1.nx * v2.ny - v1.ny * v2.nx; // cross product
// get cross product of first line and perpendicular second line
sinA90 = v1.nx * v2.nx - v1.ny * -v2.ny; // cross product to normal of line 2
angle = Math.asin(sinA); // get the angle
radDirection = 1; // may need to reverse the radius
drawDirection = false; // may need to draw the arc anticlockwise
// find the correct quadrant for circle center
if (sinA90 < 0) {
if (angle < 0) {
angle = Math.PI + angle; // add 180 to move us to the 3 quadrant
} else {
angle = Math.PI - angle; // move back into the 2nd quadrant
radDirection = -1;
drawDirection = true;
} else {
if (angle > 0) {
radDirection = -1;
drawDirection = true;
halfAngle = angle / 2;
// get distance from corner to point where round corner touches line
lenOut = Math.abs(Math.cos(halfAngle) * radius / Math.sin(halfAngle));
if (lenOut > Math.min(v1.len / 2, v2.len / 2)) { // fix if longer than half line length
lenOut = Math.min(v1.len / 2, v2.len / 2);
// ajust the radius of corner rounding to fit
cRadius = Math.abs(lenOut * Math.sin(halfAngle) / Math.cos(halfAngle));
} else {
cRadius = radius;
x = p2.x + v2.nx * lenOut; // move out from corner along second line to point where rounded circle touches
y = p2.y + v2.ny * lenOut;
x += -v2.ny * cRadius * radDirection; // move away from line to circle center
y += v2.nx * cRadius * radDirection;
// x,y is the rounded corner circle center
ctx.arc(x, y, cRadius, v1.ang + Math.PI / 2 * radDirection, v2.ang - Math.PI / 2 * radDirection, drawDirection); // draw the arc clockwise
p1 = p2;
p2 = p3;