- 客戶端連線併傳送
- 伺服器接收並回答
DoSomething 0
- 客戶收到並回答
- 步驟 2 和 3 無限重複
-- Command.hs
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Command where
import Data.Binary
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data Command = FirstMessage
| DoNothing
| DoSomething Int
deriving (Show,Generic)
instance Binary Command
module Server where
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Binary as PipesBinary
import qualified Pipes.Network.TCP as PNT
import qualified Command as C
import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PipesPrelude
pageSize = 4096
-- pure handler, to be used with PipesPrelude.map
pureHandler::C.Command -> C.Command
pureHandler c = c -- answers the same command that we have receveid
-- impure handler, to be used with PipesPremude.mapM
sideffectHandler::MonadIO m => C.Command -> m C.Command
sideffectHandler c = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "received message = " ++ (show c)
return $ C.DoSomething 0
-- whatever incoming command `c` from the client, answer DoSomething 0
main::IO ()
main = PNT.serve (PNT.Host "") "23456" $
\(connectionSocket, remoteAddress) -> do
putStrLn $ "Remote connection from ip = " ++ (show remoteAddress)
_ <- runEffect $ do
let bytesReceiver = PNT.fromSocket connectionSocket pageSize
let commandDecoder = PP.parsed PipesBinary.decode bytesReceiver
commandDecoder >-> PipesPrelude.mapM sideffectHandler >-> for cat PipesBinary.encode >-> PNT.toSocket connectionSocket
-- if we want to use the pureHandler
--commandDecoder >-> PipesPrelude.map pureHandler >-> for cat PipesBinary.Encode >-> PNT.toSocket connectionSocket
return ()
module Client where
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Binary as PipesBinary
import qualified Pipes.Network.TCP as PNT
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as PipesPrelude
import qualified Pipes.Parse as PP
import qualified Command as C
pageSize = 4096
-- pure handler, to be used with PipesPrelude.amp
pureHandler::C.Command -> C.Command
pureHandler c = c -- answer the same command received from the server
-- inpure handler, to be used with PipesPremude.mapM
sideffectHandler::MonadIO m => C.Command -> m C.Command
sideffectHandler c = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Received: " ++ (show c)
return C.DoNothing -- whatever is received from server, answer DoNothing
main::IO ()
main = PNT.connect ("") "23456" $
\(connectionSocket, remoteAddress) -> do
putStrLn $ "Connected to distant server ip = " ++ (show remoteAddress)
sendFirstMessage connectionSocket
_ <- runEffect $ do
let bytesReceiver = PNT.fromSocket connectionSocket pageSize
let commandDecoder = PP.parsed PipesBinary.decode bytesReceiver
commandDecoder >-> PipesPrelude.mapM sideffectHandler >-> for cat PipesBinary.encode >-> PNT.toSocket connectionSocket
return ()
sendFirstMessage::PNT.Socket -> IO ()
sendFirstMessage s = do
_ <- runEffect $ do
let encodedProducer = PipesBinary.encode C.FirstMessage
encodedProducer >-> PNT.toSocket s
return ()