在 XAML 和 F 中建立對話方塊
螺旋儀引數的 XAML 檔案如下。它包括三個用於呼吸描記器引數的文字框和一組三個用於顏色的單選按鈕。當我們給單選按鈕提供相同的組名時 - 就像我們在這裡一樣 - 當選擇一個時,WPF 處理開/關切換。
<!-- This first part is boilerplate, except for the title, height and width.
Note that some fussing with alignment and margins may be required to get
the box looking the way you want it. -->
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
Title="Parameters" Height="200" Width="250">
<!-- Here we define a layout of 3 rows and 2 columns below the title bar -->
<!-- Define a label and a text box for the first three rows. Top row is
the integer radius of the outer circle -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0"
<Label VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="5,6,0,1" Content="R: Outer"
Height="24" Width='65'/>
<TextBox x:Name="radiusR" Margin="0,0,0,0.5" Width="120"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="20">Integer</TextBox>
<!-- This defines a label and text box for the integer radius of the
inner circle -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1"
<Label VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="5,6,0,1" Content="r: Inner"
Height="24" Width='65'/>
<TextBox x:Name="radiusr" Margin="0,0,0,0.5" Width="120"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="20" Text="Integer"/>
<!-- This defines a label and text box for the float ratio of the inner
circle radius at which the pen is positioned -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2"
<Label VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="5,6,0,1" Content="l: Ratio"
Height="24" Width='65'/>
<TextBox x:Name="ratiol" Margin="0,0,0,1" Width="120"
VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="20" Text="Float"/>
<!-- This defines a radio button group to select color -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="3"
<Label VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="5,6,4,5.333" Content="Color"
<RadioButton x:Name="buttonBlue" Content="Blue" GroupName="Color"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Margin="5,13,11,3.5" Height="17"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="buttonRed" Content="Red" GroupName="Color"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Margin="5,13,5,3.5" Height="17" />
<RadioButton x:Name="buttonRandom" Content="Random"
GroupName="Color" Click="buttonRandomClick"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Margin="5,13,5,3.5" Height="17" />
<!-- These are the standard OK/Cancel buttons -->
<Button Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0" Name="okButton"
Click="okButton_Click" IsDefault="True">OK</Button>
<Button Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="1" Name="cancelButton"
現在我們為 Dialog.Box 新增程式碼。按照慣例,用於處理對話方塊與程式其餘部分的介面的程式碼名為 XXX.xaml.fs,其中關聯的 XAML 檔名為 XXX.xaml。
namespace Spirograph
open System.Windows.Controls
type DialogBox(app: App, model: Model, win: MainWindowXaml) as this =
inherit DialogBoxXaml()
let myApp = app
let myModel = model
let myWin = win
// These are the default parameters for the spirograph, changed by this dialog
// box
let mutable myR = 220 // outer circle radius
let mutable myr = 65 // inner circle radius
let mutable myl = 0.8 // pen position relative to inner circle
let mutable myColor = MBlue // pen color
// These are the dialog box controls. They are initialized when the dialog box
// is loaded in the whenLoaded function below.
let mutable RBox: TextBox = null
let mutable rBox: TextBox = null
let mutable lBox: TextBox = null
let mutable blueButton: RadioButton = null
let mutable redButton: RadioButton = null
let mutable randomButton: RadioButton = null
// Call this functions to enable or disable parameter input depending on the
// state of the randomButton. This is a () -> () function to keep it from
// being executed before we have loaded the dialog box below and found the
// values of TextBoxes and RadioButtons.
let enableParameterFields(b: bool) =
RBox.IsEnabled <- b
rBox.IsEnabled <- b
lBox.IsEnabled <- b
let whenLoaded _ =
// Load and initialize text boxes and radio buttons to the current values in
// the model. These are changed only if the OK button is clicked, which is
// handled below. Also, if the color is Random, we disable the parameter
// fields.
RBox <- this.FindName("radiusR") :?> TextBox
rBox <- this.FindName("radiusr") :?> TextBox
lBox <- this.FindName("ratiol") :?> TextBox
blueButton <- this.FindName("buttonBlue") :?> RadioButton
redButton <- this.FindName("buttonRed") :?> RadioButton
randomButton <- this.FindName("buttonRandom") :?> RadioButton
RBox.Text <- myModel.MyR.ToString()
rBox.Text <- myModel.Myr.ToString()
lBox.Text <- myModel.Myl.ToString()
myR <- myModel.MyR
myr <- myModel.Myr
myl <- myModel.Myl
blueButton.IsChecked <- new System.Nullable<bool>(myModel.MyColor = MBlue)
redButton.IsChecked <- new System.Nullable<bool>(myModel.MyColor = MRed)
randomButton.IsChecked <- new System.Nullable<bool>(myModel.MyColor = MRandom)
myColor <- myModel.MyColor
enableParameterFields(not (myColor = MRandom))
let whenClosing _ =
// Show the actual spirograph parameters in a message box at close. Note the
// \n in the sprintf gives us a linebreak in the MessageBox. This is mainly
// for debugging, and it can be deleted.
let s = sprintf "R = %A\nr = %A\nl = %A\nColor = %A"
myModel.MyR myModel.Myr myModel.Myl myModel.MyColor
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(s, "Spirograph") |> ignore
let whenClosed _ =
this.Loaded.Add whenLoaded
this.Closing.Add whenClosing
this.Closed.Add whenClosed
override this.buttonBlueClick(sender: obj,
eArgs: System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) =
myColor <- MBlue
override this.buttonRedClick(sender: obj,
eArgs: System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) =
myColor <- MRed
override this.buttonRandomClick(sender: obj,
eArgs: System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) =
myColor <- MRandom
override this.okButton_Click(sender: obj,
eArgs: System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) =
// Only change the spirograph parameters in the model if we hit OK in the
// dialog box.
if myColor = MRandom
then myModel.Randomize
else myR <- RBox.Text |> int
myr <- rBox.Text |> int
myl <- lBox.Text |> float
myModel.MyR <- myR
myModel.Myr <- myr
myModel.Myl <- myl
model.MyColor <- myColor
// Note that setting the DialogResult to nullable true is essential to get
// the OK button to work.
this.DialogResult <- new System.Nullable<bool> true
這裡的大部分程式碼都致力於確保 Spirograph.fs 中的 spirograph 引數與此對話方塊中顯示的引數相匹配。請注意,沒有錯誤檢查:如果為前兩個引數欄位中預期的整數輸入浮點,程式將崩潰。因此,請在你自己的努力中新增錯誤檢查。
為了在對話方塊和程式之間來回移動資料,我使用 System.Windows.Element.FindName()
來查詢適當的控制元件,將其轉換為應該控制的控制元件,然後從中獲取相關的設定。控制。大多數其他示例程式使用資料繫結。我沒有出於兩個原因:第一,我無法弄清楚如何使它工作,其次,當它不起作用時,我沒有任何錯誤資訊。也許有人在 StackOverflow 上訪問它可以告訴我如何使用資料繫結而不包括一整套新的 NuGet 包。