// Increment or decrement by one.
type CounterMessage =
| Increment
| Decrement
let createProcessor initialState =
MailboxProcessor<CounterMessage>.Start(fun inbox ->
// You can represent the processor's internal mutable state
// as an immutable parameter to the inner loop function
let rec innerLoop state = async {
printfn "Waiting for message, the current state is: %i" state
let! message = inbox.Receive()
// In each call you use the current state to produce a new
// value, which will be passed to the next call, so that
// next message sees only the new value as its local state
match message with
| Increment ->
let state' = state + 1
printfn "Counter incremented, the new state is: %i" state'
innerLoop state'
| Decrement ->
let state' = state - 1
printfn "Counter decremented, the new state is: %i" state'
innerLoop state'
// We pass the initialState to the first call to innerLoop
innerLoop initialState)
// Let's pick an initial value and create the processor
let processor = createProcessor 10
Waiting for message, the current state is: 10
Counter incremented, the new state is: 11
Waiting for message, the current state is: 11
Counter incremented, the new state is: 12
Waiting for message, the current state is: 12
Counter decremented, the new state is: 11
Waiting for message, the current state is: 11
Counter incremented, the new state is: 12
Waiting for message, the current state is: 12
let processor = createProcessor 0
[ async { processor.Post(Increment) }
async { processor.Post(Increment) }
async { processor.Post(Decrement) }
async { processor.Post(Decrement) } ]
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
所有訊息都是從不同的執行緒釋出的。訊息釋出到郵箱的順序不確定,因此處理它們的順序不是確定性的,但由於增量和減量的總數是平衡的,因此你將看到最終狀態為 0,無論順序如何以及從哪些執行緒傳送訊息。
let createProcessor initialState =
MailboxProcessor<CounterMessage>.Start(fun inbox ->
// In this case we represent the state as a mutable binding
// local to this function. innerLoop will close over it and
// change its value in each iteration instead of passing it around
let mutable state = initialState
let rec innerLoop () = async {
printfn "Waiting for message, the current state is: %i" state
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
| Increment ->
let state <- state + 1
printfn "Counter incremented, the new state is: %i" state'
innerLoop ()
| Decrement ->
let state <- state - 1
printfn "Counter decremented, the new state is: %i" state'
innerLoop ()
innerLoop ())
即使直接從多個執行緒修改計數器狀態,這肯定不是執行緒安全的,你可以通過使用上一節中的並行訊息 Posts 看到郵箱處理器一個接一個地處理訊息而沒有交錯,因此每條訊息都使用最新的價值。