
Feature: Some terse yet descriptive text of what is desired
     Textual description of the business value of this feature
     Business rules that govern the scope of the feature
     Any additional information that will make the feature easier to understand

    Given some precondition needed for all scenarios in this file
        And another precondition

Scenario: Some determinable business situation
  Textual description of the business value of this scenario
  Business rules that govern the scope of the scenario
  Any additional information that will make the scenario easier to understand
    Given some precondition
      And some other precondition
    When some action by the actor
      And some other action
      And yet another action
    Then some testable outcome is achieved
      And something else we can check happens too
      But something else we can check does not happen

Scenario Outline: Some determinable business situation
    Given I am <precondition>
        And some other precondition
    When some action by the actor
    Then I have <outcome> rights

    | precondition | outcome  |
    | username1    | customer |
    | username2    | admin    |


  • Feature: | Ability: | Business Need:
  • Scenario Outline: | Scenario Template:
  • Examples: | Scenarios:
  • Given | When | Then | And | But | * |