PostgreSQL 與 Postmodern 的簡單使用

Postmodern 是一個連線關聯式資料庫 PostgreSQL 的庫。它提供了對 PostgreSQL 的幾種訪問級別,從表示為字串或列表的 SQL 查詢到物件關係對映的執行。

可以使用以下 SQL 語句建立以下示例中使用的資料庫:

create table employees
  (empid integer not null primary key,
   name text not null,
   birthdate date not null,
   skills text[] not null);
insert into employees (empid, name, birthdate, skills) values
  (1, 'John Orange', '1991-07-26', '{C, Java}'),
  (2, 'Mary Red', '1989-04-14', '{C, Common Lisp, Hunchentoot}'),
  (3, 'Ron Blue', '1974-01-17', '{JavaScript, Common Lisp}'),
  (4, 'Lucy Green', '1968-02-02', '{Java, JavaScript}');


CL-USER> (ql:quickload "postmodern")   ; load the system postmodern (nickname: pomo)
CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (pomo:query "select name, skills from employees")))
(("John Orange" #("C" "Java"))                  ; output manually edited!
 ("Mary Red" #("C" "Common Lisp" "Hunchentoot"))
 ("Ron Blue" #("JavaScript" "Common Lisp"))
 ("Lucy Green" #("Java" "JavaScript")))
4                                               ; the second value is the size of the result

請注意,結果可以作為 alist 或 plists 的列表返回,將可選引數:alists:plists 新增到查詢函式中。

query 的替代方法是 doquery,用於迭代查詢結果。它的引數是 query (&rest names) &body body,其中名稱繫結到每次迭代時行中的值:

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (format t "The employees that knows Java are:~%")
             (pomo:doquery "select empid, name from employees where skills @> '{Java}'" (i n)
               (format t "~a (id = ~a)~%" n i))))
The employees that knows Java are:
John Orange (id = 1)
Lucy Green (id = 4)


CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
               (pomo:prepare "select name, skills from employees where skills @> $1")
               #("Common Lisp"))))    ; find employees with skills including Common Lisp
(("Mary Red" #("C" "Common Lisp" "Hunchentoot"))
 ("Ron Blue" #("JavaScript" "Common Lisp")))

函式 prepare 接收帶佔位符 $1$2 等的查詢,並返回一個新函式,該函式需要每個佔位符一個引數,並在使用正確數量的引數呼叫時執行查詢。

在更新的情況下,函式 exec 返回修改的元組數(兩個 DDL 語句包含在事務中):

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
                 (pomo:execute "alter table employees add column salary integer")
                 (pomo:execute "update employees set salary =
                                     case when skills @> '{Common Lisp}'
                                     then 100000 else 50000 end")))))

除了將 SQL 查詢編寫為字串之外,還可以使用關鍵字,符號和常量列表,其語法與 lisp(S-SQL)相似:

CL-USER> (let ((parameters '("database" "dbuser" "dbpass" "localhost")))
           (pomo:with-connection parameters
             (pomo:query (:select 'name :from 'employees :where (:> 'salary 60000)))))
(("Mary Red") ("Ron Blue"))