strspn 和 strcspn

給定一個字串,strspn 計算僅由特定字元列表組成的初始子字串(span)的長度。strcspn 是類似的,除了它計算由除列出的字元之外的任何字元組成的初始子字串的長度:

  Provided a string of "tokens" delimited by "separators", print the tokens along
  with the token separators that get skipped.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    const char sepchars[] = ",.;!?";
    char foo[] = ";ball call,.fall gall hall!?.,";
    char *s;
    int n;

    for (s = foo; *s != 0; /*empty*/) {
        /* Get the number of token separator characters. */
        n = (int)strspn(s, sepchars);

        if (n > 0)
            printf("skipping separators: << %.*s >> (length=%d)\n", n, s, n);

        /* Actually skip the separators now. */
        s += n;

        /* Get the number of token (non-separator) characters. */
        n = (int)strcspn(s, sepchars);

        if (n > 0)
            printf("token found: << %.*s >> (length=%d)\n", n, s, n);

        /* Skip the token now. */
        s += n;

    printf("== token list exhausted ==\n");

    return 0;

使用寬字串的類似函式是 wcsspnwcscspn; 他們的使用方式相同。