將 stdtupleT ...轉換為函式引數

std::tuple<T...> 可用於傳遞多個值。例如,它可以用於將一系列引數儲存到某種形式的佇列中。處理這樣的元組時,需要將其元素轉換為函式呼叫引數:

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example functions to be called:
void f(int i, std::string const& s) {
    std::cout << "f(" << i << ", " << s << ")\n";
void f(int i, double d, std::string const& s) {
    std::cout << "f(" << i << ", " << d << ", " << s << ")\n";
void f(char c, int i, double d, std::string const& s) {
    std::cout << "f(" << c << ", " << i << ", " << d << ", " << s << ")\n";
void f(int i, int j, int k) {
    std::cout << "f(" << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << ")\n";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The actual function expanding the tuple:
template <typename Tuple, std::size_t... I>
void process(Tuple const& tuple, std::index_sequence<I...>) {

// The interface to call. Sadly, it needs to dispatch to another function
// to deduce the sequence of indices created from std::make_index_sequence<N>
template <typename Tuple>
void process(Tuple const& tuple) {
    process(tuple, std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>());

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
    process(std::make_tuple(1, 3.14, std::string("foo")));
    process(std::make_tuple('a', 2, 2.71, std::string("bar")));
    process(std::make_pair(3, std::string("pair")));
    process(std::array<int, 3>{ 1, 2, 3 });

只要一個類支援 std::get<I>(object)std::tuple_size<T>::value,就可以使用上面的 process() 函式進行擴充套件。函式本身完全獨立於引數的數量。