

class C{
    int* is;
    string s;
    : is( new int[10] ){

    ~C(){  // destructor definition
        delete[] is;

class C_child : public C{
    string s_ch;
    ~C_child(){} // child destructor

void f(){
    C c1; // calls default constructor
    C c2[2]; // calls default constructor for both elements
    C* c3 = new C[2]; // calls default constructor for both array elements

    C_child c_ch;  // when destructed calls destructor of s_ch and of C base (and in turn s)

    delete[] c3; // calls destructors on c3[0] and c3[1]
} // automatic variables are destroyed here -- i.e. c1, c2 and c_ch


class C{
    int i;
    string s;

void f(){
    C* c1 = new C;
    delete c1; // C has a destructor
class C{
    int m;
    ~C(){} // not public destructor!

class C_container{
    C c;

void f(){
    C_container* c_cont = new C_container;
    delete c_cont; // Compile ERROR: C has no accessible destructor

Version > C++ 11

在 C++ 11 中,開發人員可以通過阻止編譯器提供預設解構函式來覆蓋此行為。

class C{
    int m;
    ~C() = delete; // does NOT have implicit destructor

void f{
    C c1; 
} // Compile ERROR: C has no destructor


class C{
    int m;
    ~C() = default; // saying explicitly it does have implicit/empty destructor

void f(){
    C c1;
} // C has a destructor -- c1 properly destroyed

Version > C++ 11

你可以使用 <type_traits> 中的 std::is_destructible 來確定型別是否具有解構函式(或者是基本型別):

class C1{ };
class C2{ public: ~C2() = delete };
class C3 : public C2{ };

using std::cout; using std::boolalpha; using std::endl;
using std::is_destructible;
cout << boolalpha << is_destructible<int>() << endl; // prints true
cout << boolalpha << is_destructible<C1>() << endl; // prints true
cout << boolalpha << is_destructible<C2>() << endl; // prints false
cout << boolalpha << is_destructible<C3>() << endl; // prints false