CRTP 避免程式碼重複

在示例訪問者模式提供了一個引人注目用例為 CRTP:

struct IShape
    virtual ~IShape() = default;

    virtual void accept(IShapeVisitor&) const = 0;

struct Circle : IShape
    // ...        
    // Each shape has to implement this method the same way
    void accept(IShapeVisitor& visitor) const override { visitor.visit(*this); }
    // ...

struct Square : IShape
    // ...    
    // Each shape has to implement this method the same way
    void accept(IShapeVisitor& visitor) const override { visitor.visit(*this); }
    // ...

IShape 的每個子型別都需要以相同的方式實現相同的功能。這是一個額外的打字。相反,我們可以在層次結構中引入一個新型別,為我們執行此操作:

template <class Derived>
struct IShapeAcceptor : IShape {
    void accept(IShapeVisitor& visitor) const override {
        // visit with our exact type
        visitor.visit(*static_cast<Derived const*>(this));


struct Circle : IShapeAcceptor<Circle>
    Circle(const Point& center, double radius) : center(center), radius(radius) {}
    Point center;
    double radius;

struct Square : IShapeAcceptor<Square>
    Square(const Point& topLeft, double sideLength) : topLeft(topLeft), sideLength(sideLength) {}    
    Point topLeft;
    double sideLength;
