Java 中的基本陣列

在 Java 中,任何物件或基元型別都可以是陣列。通過 arrayName [index]訪問陣列指示,例如 myArray[0]。陣列中的值是通過 myArray [0] = value 設定的,例如,如果 myArray 是 String [] myArray[0] = "test"; 型別的陣列

 placeholderCopypublic class CreateBasicArray{
    public static void main(String[] args){

        // Creates a new array of Strings, with a length of 1
        String[] myStringArray = new String[1]; 
        // Sets the value at the first index of myStringArray to "Hello World!"
        myStringArray[0] = "Hello World!";
        // Prints out the value at the first index of myStringArray,
        // in this case "Hello World!"
        // Creates a new array of ints, with a length of 1
        int[] myIntArray = new int[1];
        // Sets the value at the first index of myIntArray to 1
        myIntArray[0] = 1;       
        // Prints out the value at the first index of myIntArray,
        // in this case 1
        // Creates a new array of Objects with a length of 1
        Object[] myObjectArray = new Object[1];
        // Constructs a new Java Object, and sets the value at the first     
        // index of myObjectArray to the new Object.
        myObjectArray[0] = new Object();