StackOverflow 文件
arduino 教程
byte incoming;
String inBuffer;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // or whatever baud rate you would like
void loop(){
// setup as non-blocking code
if(Serial.available() > 0) {
incoming = Serial.read();
if(incoming == '\n') { // newline, carriage return, both, or custom character
// handle the incoming command
// Clear the string for the next command
inBuffer = "";
} else{
// add the character to the buffer
inBuffer += incoming;
// since code is non-blocking, execute something else . . . .
void handle_command() {
// expect something like 'pin 3 high'
String command = inBuffer.substring(0, inBuffer.indexOf(' '));
String parameters = inBuffer.substring(inBuffer.indexOf(' ') + 1);
// parse the rest of the information
int pin = parameters.substring("0, parameters.indexOf(' ')).toInt();
String state = parameters.substring(parameters.indexOf(' ') + 1);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
}else if(state.equalsIgnoreCase('low)){
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
Serial.println("did not compute");
} // add code for more commands