MIDI Thru 簡單易用。正常工作後,你將能夠在兩個 MIDI 裝置之間安裝 Arduino 專案,MIDI IN 到 MIDI OUT,你將能夠驗證兩個裝置是否一起執行。如果你能夠測量延遲,則會看到由於序列緩衝區捕獲和重新傳送指令而導致的增加。

// This is a simple MIDI THRU.  Everything in, goes right out.
// This has been validate on an Arduino UNO and a Olimex MIDI Shield  

boolean byteReady; 
unsigned char midiByte;

void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:
    //  Set MIDI baud rate:
    byteReady = false;
    midiByte = 0;  

// The Loop that always gets called...
void loop() {
   if (byteReady) {
        byteReady = false;

// The little function that gets called each time loop is called.  
// This is automated somwhere in the Arduino code.
void serialEvent() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    midiByte = (unsigned char)Serial.read();
    byteReady = true;