
// setup an event bus, do it in a separate js file
var bus = new Vue()

// imagine a component where you require to pass on a data property
// or a computed property or a method!

Vue.component('card', {
  template: `<div class='card'>
      <div class='margin-5'>
          <input v-model='name'>
    <div class='margin-5'>
      <button @click='submit'>Save</button>
  data() {
    return {
      name: null
  methods: {
    submit() {
      bus.$emit('name-set', this.name)

// In another component that requires the emitted data.
var data = {
  message: 'Hello Vue.js!'

var demo = new Vue({
  el: '#demo',
  data: data,
  created() {
    bus.$on('name-set', (name) => {
      this.message = name