从 IEnumerable 生成字典

 placeholderCopy' Just setting up the example
Public Class A
    Public Property ID as integer
    Public Property Name as string
    Public Property OtherValue as Object
End Class

Public Sub Example()
    'Setup the list of items
    Dim originalList As New List(Of A)
    originalList.Add(New A() With {.ID = 1, .Name = "Item 1", .OtherValue = "Item 1 Value"})
    originalList.Add(New A() With {.ID = 2, .Name = "Item 2", .OtherValue = "Item 2 Value"})
    originalList.Add(New A() With {.ID = 3, .Name = "Item 3", .OtherValue = "Item 3 Value"})

    'Convert the list to a dictionary based on the ID
    Dim dict As Dictionary(Of Integer, A) = originalList.ToDictionary(function(c) c.ID, function(c) c)

    'Access Values From The Dictionary
    console.Write(dict(1).Name) ' Prints "Item 1"
    console.Write(dict(1).OtherValue) ' Prints "Item 1 Value"
End Sub