


:normal i    " insert
:normal a    " append
:normal c    " overwrite
:normal y    " yank (copy)
:normal d    " delete

其中一些词与 dcy 等对象一起使用。这些对象可以是单词,行,句子,段落,标签。可以组合使用这些:

:normal dw    " deletes the text from the position of the cursor to the end of the next word
:normal cw    " deletes the text from the cursor to the end of the next word and
              " enters insert mode


:normal diw    " delete inside word. I.e. delete the word in which is the cursor.
:normal ciw    " removes the word, the cursor points at and enters insert mode
:normal ci"    " removes everything between the opening and closing quotes and
               " enters insert mode
:normal cap    " change the current paragraph
:normal ct8    " remove everything until the next number 8 and enter insert mode
:normal cf8    " like above but remove also the number
:normal c/goal " remove everything until the word 'goal' and enter insert mode
:normal ci{    " change everything inside the curly braces


学会说 vim - 动词,名词和修饰语!

2014 年学习 Vim:Vim as Language

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