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vhdl 教程
vhdl 入门
-- File counter.vhd
-- The entity is the interface part. It has a name and a set of input / output
-- ports. Ports have a name, a direction and a type. The bit type has only two
-- values: '0' and '1'. It is one of the standard types.
entity counter is
clock: in bit; -- We are using the rising edge of CLOCK
reset: in bit; -- Synchronous and active HIGH
data: out natural -- The current value of the counter
end entity counter;
-- The architecture describes the internals. It is always associated
-- to an entity.
architecture sync of counter is
-- The internal signals we use to count. Natural is another standard
-- type. VHDL is not case sensitive.
signal current_value: natural;
signal NEXT_VALUE: natural;
-- A process is a concurrent statement. It is an infinite loop.
-- The wait statement is a synchronization instruction. We wait
-- until clock changes and its new value is '1' (a rising edge).
wait until clock = '1';
-- Our reset is synchronous: we consider it only at rising edges
-- of our clock.
if reset = '1' then
-- <= is the signal assignment operator.
current_value <= 0;
current_value <= next_value;
end if;
end process;
-- Another process. The sensitivity list is another way to express
-- synchronization constraints. It (approximately) means: wait until
-- one of the signals in the list changes and then execute the process
-- body. Sensitivity list and wait statements cannot be used together
-- in the same process.
next_value <= current_value + 1;
end process;
-- A concurrent signal assignment, which is just a shorthand for the
-- (trivial) equivalent process.
data <= current_value;
end architecture sync;