

如名称所示,多维数组是包含多个维度的数组,通常为两个或三个,但最多可包含 32 个维度。


One Dimension 是典型的数组,它看起来像一个元素列表。

Dim 1D(3) as Variant

*1D - Visually*

Two Dimensions 看起来像 Sudoku Grid 或 Excel 工作表,在初始化数组时,你将定义数组将包含多少行和列。

Dim 2D(3,3) as Variant
'this would result in a 3x3 grid 

*2D - Visually*
(0,0) (0,1) (0,2)
(1,0) (1,1) (1,2)
(2,0) (2,1) (2,2)

三维将开始看起来像 Rubik 的 Cube,在初始化数组时,你将定义行和列以及数组将具有的层/深度。

Dim 3D(3,3,2) as Variant
'this would result in a 3x3x3 grid

*3D - Visually*
       1st layer                 2nd layer                  3rd layer
         front                     middle                     back
(0,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,0,2) ¦ (1,0,0) (1,0,1) (1,0,2) ¦ (2,0,0) (2,0,1) (2,0,2)
(0,1,0) (0,1,1) (0,1,2) ¦ (1,1,0) (1,1,1) (1,1,2) ¦ (2,1,0) (2,1,1) (2,1,2)
(0,2,0) (0,2,1) (0,2,2) ¦ (1,2,0) (1,2,1) (1,2,2) ¦ (2,2,0) (2,2,1) (2,2,2)

进一步的尺寸可以被认为是 3D 的倍增,因此 4D(1,3,3,3)将是两个并排的 3D 阵列。




Dim Bosses As Variant
'set bosses as Variant, so we can input any data type we want

Bosses = [{"Jonh","Snow","President";"Ygritte","Wild","Vice-President"}]
'initialise a 2D array directly by filling it with information, the redult wil be a array(1,2) size 2x3 = 6 elements

Dim Employees As Variant
'initialize your Employees array as variant
'initialize and ReDim the Employee array so it is a dynamic array instead of a static one, hence treated differently by the VBA Compiler
ReDim Employees(100, 5)
'declaring an 2D array that can store 100 employees with 6 elements of information each, but starts empty
'the array size is 101 x 6 and contains 606 elements

For employee = 0 To UBound(Employees, 1)
'for each employee/row in the array, UBound for 2D arrays, which will get the last element on the array
'needs two parameters 1st the array you which to check and 2nd the dimension, in this case 1 = employee and 2 = information
    For information_e = 0 To UBound(Employees, 2)
    'for each information element/column in the array
        Employees(employee, information_e) = InformationNeeded ' InformationNeeded would be the data to fill the array
        'iterating the full array will allow for direct attribution of information into the element coordinates


大小调整大小或者像多维数组一样,多维数组会产生错误,而是需要将信息传输到与原始数据相同的临时数组以及要添加的行数/列数。在下面的示例中,我们将看到如何初始化 Temp 数组,从原始数组传输信息,填充剩余的空元素,并用原始数组替换 temp 数组。

Dim TempEmp As Variant
'initialise your temp array as variant
ReDim TempEmp(UBound(Employees, 1) + 1, UBound(Employees, 2))
'ReDim/Resize Temp array as a 2D array with size UBound(Employees)+1 = (last element in Employees 1st dimension) + 1,
'the 2nd dimension remains the same as the original array. we effectively add 1 row in the Employee array

For emp = LBound(Employees, 1) To UBound(Employees, 1)
    For info = LBound(Employees, 2) To UBound(Employees, 2)
        'to transfer Employees into TempEmp we iterate both arrays and fill TempEmp with the corresponding element value in Employees
        TempEmp(emp, info) = Employees(emp, info)

'fill remaining
'after the transfers the Temp array still has unused elements at the end, being that it was increased
'to fill the remaining elements iterate from the last "row" with values to the last row in the array
'in this case the last row in Temp will be the size of the Employees array rows + 1, as the last row of Employees array is already filled in the TempArray

For emp = UBound(Employees, 1) + 1 To UBound(TempEmp, 1)
    For info = LBound(TempEmp, 2) To UBound(TempEmp, 2)
        TempEmp(emp, info) = InformationNeeded & "NewRow"

'erase Employees, attribute Temp array to Employees and erase Temp array
Erase Employees
Employees = TempEmp
Erase TempEmp


要更改/更改某个元素中的值,只需调用要更改的坐标并为其赋予新值即可:Employees(0, 0) = "NewValue"


For emp = 0 To UBound(Employees)
    If Employees(emp, 0) = "Gloria" And Employees(emp, 1) = "Stephan" Then
    'if value found
        Employees(emp, 1) = "Married, Last Name Change"
        Exit For
        'don't iterate through a full array unless necessary
    End If


'nested loop, will iterate through all elements
For emp = LBound(Employees, 1) To UBound(Employees, 1)
    For info = LBound(Employees, 2) To UBound(Employees, 2)
        Debug.Print Employees(emp, info)

'loop and coordinate, iteration through all rows and in each row accessing all columns directly
For emp = LBound(Employees, 1) To UBound(Employees, 1)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 0)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 1)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 2)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 3)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 4)
    Debug.Print Employees(emp, 5)

'directly accessing element with coordinates
Debug.Print Employees(5, 5)



对于 3D 阵列,我们将使用与 2D 阵列相同的前提,不仅存储员工和信息,还包括他们工作的建筑。

3D 阵列将具有 Employees(可以被认为是行),信息(列)和建筑,可以被认为是 excel 文档上的不同工作表,它们之间具有相同的大小,但每个工作表都有其单元格/元素中的不同信息集。3D 阵列将包含 n 个 2D 阵列。


一个 3D 数组需要初始化 3 个坐标 Dim 3Darray(2,5,5) As Variant 数组上的第一个坐标将是建筑物/表格的数量(不同的行和列集合),第二个坐标将定义行和第三个列。上面的 Dim 将产生具有 108 个元素(3*6*6)的 3D 阵列,实际上具有 3 组不同的 2D 阵列。

Dim ThreeDArray As Variant
'initialise your ThreeDArray array as variant
ReDim ThreeDArray(1, 50, 5)
'declaring an 3D array that can store two sets of 51 employees with 6 elements of information each, but starts empty
'the array size is 2 x 51 x 6 and contains 612 elements

For building = 0 To UBound(ThreeDArray, 1)
    'for each building/set in the array
    For employee = 0 To UBound(ThreeDArray, 2)
    'for each employee/row in the array
        For information_e = 0 To UBound(ThreeDArray, 3)
        'for each information element/column in the array
            ThreeDArray(building, employee, information_e) = InformationNeeded ' InformationNeeded would be the data to fill the array
        'iterating the full array will allow for direct attribution of information into the element coordinates


调整 3D 数组的大小类似于调整 2D 的大小,首先创建一个与原始大小相同的临时数组,在参数的坐标中添加一个以增加,第一个坐标将增加数组中的集数,第二个和第三个坐标将增加每组中的行数或列数。

下面的示例将每个集合中的行数增加 1,并使用新信息填充最近添加的元素。

Dim TempEmp As Variant
'initialise your temp array as variant
ReDim TempEmp(UBound(ThreeDArray, 1), UBound(ThreeDArray, 2) + 1, UBound(ThreeDArray, 3))
'ReDim/Resize Temp array as a 3D array with size UBound(ThreeDArray)+1 = (last element in Employees 2nd dimension) + 1,
'the other dimension remains the same as the original array. we effectively add 1 row in the for each set of the 3D array

For building = LBound(ThreeDArray, 1) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 1)
    For emp = LBound(ThreeDArray, 2) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 2)
        For info = LBound(ThreeDArray, 3) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 3)
            'to transfer ThreeDArray into TempEmp by iterating all sets in the 3D array and fill TempEmp with the corresponding element value in each set of each row
            TempEmp(building, emp, info) = ThreeDArray(building, emp, info)

'fill remaining
'to fill the remaining elements we need to iterate from the last "row" with values to the last row in the array in each set, remember that the first empty element is the original array Ubound() plus 1
For building = LBound(TempEmp, 1) To UBound(TempEmp, 1)
    For emp = UBound(ThreeDArray, 2) + 1 To UBound(TempEmp, 2)
        For info = LBound(TempEmp, 3) To UBound(TempEmp, 3)
            TempEmp(building, emp, info) = InformationNeeded & "NewRow"

'erase Employees, attribute Temp array to Employees and erase Temp array
Erase ThreeDArray
ThreeDArray = TempEmp
Erase TempEmp


读取和更改 3D 数组上的元素可以与我们执行 2D 数组的方式类似,只需调整循环和坐标中的额外级别。

' using Do ... While for early exit
    For building = 0 To UBound(ThreeDArray, 1)
        For emp = 0 To UBound(ThreeDArray, 2)
            If ThreeDArray(building, emp, 0) = "Gloria" And ThreeDArray(building, emp, 1) = "Stephan" Then
            'if value found
                ThreeDArray(building, emp, 1) = "Married, Last Name Change"
                Exit Do
                'don't iterate through all the array unless necessary
            End If
Loop While False

'nested loop, will iterate through all elements
For building = LBound(ThreeDArray, 1) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 1)
    For emp = LBound(ThreeDArray, 2) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 2)
        For info = LBound(ThreeDArray, 3) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 3)
            Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, info)

'loop and coordinate, will iterate through all set of rows and ask for the row plus the value we choose for the columns
For building = LBound(ThreeDArray, 1) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 1)
    For emp = LBound(ThreeDArray, 2) To UBound(ThreeDArray, 2)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 0)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 1)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 2)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 3)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 4)
        Debug.Print ThreeDArray(building, emp, 5)

'directly accessing element with coordinates
Debug.Print Employees(0, 5, 5)