
通常,你可能希望过滤结构和其他复杂数据类型。在结构数组中搜索包含特定值的条目是一项非常常见的任务,并且可以使用函数式编程功能在 Swift 中轻松实现。更重要的是,代码非常简洁。

struct Painter {
    enum Type { case Impressionist, Expressionist, Surrealist, Abstract, Pop }
    var firstName: String
    var lastName: String
    var type: Type

let painters = [
    Painter(firstName: "Claude", lastName: "Monet", type: .Impressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Edgar", lastName: "Degas", type: .Impressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Egon", lastName: "Schiele", type: .Expressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "George", lastName: "Grosz", type: .Expressionist),
    Painter(firstName: "Mark", lastName: "Rothko", type: .Abstract),
    Painter(firstName: "Jackson", lastName: "Pollock", type: .Abstract),
    Painter(firstName: "Pablo", lastName: "Picasso", type: .Surrealist),
    Painter(firstName: "Andy", lastName: "Warhol", type: .Pop)

// list the expressionists
dump(painters.filter({$0.type == .Expressionist}))

// count the expressionists
dump(painters.filter({$0.type == .Expressionist}).count)    
// prints "2"

// combine filter and map for more complex operations, for example listing all
// non-impressionist and non-expressionists by surname
dump(painters.filter({$0.type != .Impressionist && $0.type != .Expressionist})
    .map({$0.lastName}).joinWithSeparator(", "))  
// prints "Rothko, Pollock, Picasso, Warhol"