使用抢占式基本身份验证与 RestTemplate 和 HttpClient

抢先式基本身份验证是在服务器回复 401 响应请求之前发送 http 基本身份验证凭据(用户名和密码) 的做法。这可以在使用已知需要基本身份验证的 REST api 时保存请求往返。

Spring 文档中所述, Apache HttpClient可以用作底层实现,通过使用 HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory 来创建 HTTP 请求。HttpClient 可以配置为执行抢占式基本身份验证

以下类扩展 HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory 以提供抢先式基本身份验证。

 * {@link HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory} with preemptive basic
 * authentication to avoid the unnecessary first 401 response asking for
 * credentials.
 * <p>
 * Only preemptively sends the given credentials to the given host and
 * optionally to its subdomains. Matching subdomains can be useful for APIs
 * using multiple subdomains which are not always known in advance.
 * <p>
 * Other configurations of the {@link HttpClient} are not modified (e.g. the
 * default credentials provider).
public class PreAuthHttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory extends HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory {

    private String hostName;
    private boolean matchSubDomains;
    private Credentials credentials;

     * @param httpClient
     *            client
     * @param hostName
     *            host name
     * @param matchSubDomains
     *            whether to match the host's subdomains
     * @param userName
     *            basic authentication user name
     * @param password
     *            basic authentication password
    public PreAuthHttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(HttpClient httpClient, String hostName,
            boolean matchSubDomains, String userName, String password) {
        this.hostName = hostName;
        this.matchSubDomains = matchSubDomains;
        credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(userName, password);

    protected HttpContext createHttpContext(HttpMethod httpMethod, URI uri) {
        // Add AuthCache to the execution context
        HttpClientContext context = HttpClientContext.create();
        context.setCredentialsProvider(new PreAuthCredentialsProvider());
        context.setAuthCache(new PreAuthAuthCache());
        return context;

     * @param host
     *            host name
     * @return whether the configured credentials should be used for the given
     *         host
    protected boolean hostNameMatches(String host) {
        return host.equals(hostName) || (matchSubDomains && host.endsWith("." + hostName));

    private class PreAuthCredentialsProvider extends BasicCredentialsProvider {
        public Credentials getCredentials(AuthScope authscope) {
            if (hostNameMatches(authscope.getHost())) {
                // Simulate a basic authenticationcredentials entry in the
                // credentials provider.
                return credentials;
            return super.getCredentials(authscope);

    private class PreAuthAuthCache extends BasicAuthCache {
        public AuthScheme get(HttpHost host) {
            if (hostNameMatches(host.getHostName())) {
                // Simulate a cache entry for this host. This instructs
                // HttpClient to use basic authentication for this host.
                return new BasicScheme();
            return super.get(host);


HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
ClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory =
    new PreAuthHttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(builder.build(),
        "api.some-host.com", true, "api", "my-key");
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(requestFactory);