
@ 符号在模式匹配期间将变量绑定到名称。绑定变量可以是整个匹配对象,也可以是匹配对象的一部分:

sealed trait Shape
case class Rectangle(height: Int, width: Int) extends Shape
case class Circle(radius: Int) extends Shape
case object Point extends Shape

(Circle(5): Shape) match {
  case Rectangle(h, w) => s"rectangle, $h x $w."
  case Circle(r) if r > 9 => s"large circle"
  case c @ Circle(_) => s"small circle: ${c.radius}"  // Whole matched object is bound to c
  case Point => "point"

> res0: String = small circle: 5


case Circle(r) if r > 9 => s"large circle"


case c @ Circle(_) if c.radius > 9 => s"large circle"


Seq(Some(1), Some(2), None) match {
  // Only the first element of the matched sequence is bound to the name 'c'
  case Seq(c @ Some(1), _*) => head
  case _ => None

> res0: Option[Int] = Some(1)